sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Quote de Inglés

"With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

We like this quote because at some point in our lives we yearn for the past and we worry too much about the future, leaving aside the present, letting it pass without appreciating it

The past is something that already happened, something we can't fix or change, are moments and memories we keep inside our mind and heart, even if they are or not of our liking. We can't live our life thinking about it, just taking the best to our memories and the experienced for our life learning, because today and what we do are more important and what's going to be our past tomorrow.

Our future is uncertain, we don't have any clue of how is going to be or how things are going to come off. We only have expectations and dreams about it, but it would be totally different than what we imagined, making us feel disappointed. That’s why we say "while expectations are higher, bigger our disappointment can be".
The future only serves as inspiration and motivation to try to do of today a better and interesting day while we keep working to reach or goals and aspirations.

Don't let the future overwhelm us, neither to become unreachable; some say that our future is written, but it doesn't means that it has to be like that and can't try to change it, we can make some things go as we want, or at least try to do it.

We are alive today, and it's what matters, our past is for reference and memories, our future uncertain. What happened today and what we do with our life today is what really matters.
It's so nice to get up daily, with the memory of what happened yesterday and the hope of what's going to happen. Just try to enjoy the moment to the fullest, so in that way our yesterday would be much better and we would think about a tomorrow with lot of hope.

Live your life, appreciate the simplicity of it, share time with the people around you and enjoy of the view, because we don't know when our hearts will stop working, or when we get older don't regret not having accomplished anything for fear of failure. Do not waste your time. Don't cry over the past and don't stress about the future because it has't arrived yet; just live in the present and try to make it beautiful.